Clinique Médicale Securex

33 Avenue Amilcar Cabral, centre ville, République du Congo / (+242) /05.548.59.95 / 055452440 /06.917.32.32


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CLINICAL MEDICAL SECUREX was born March 10, 1996,
on the initiative of Dr Jean-Daniel OVAGA,
Doctor’s CEO.

Having observed the often harmful consequences to the late arrival of care or sick
in appropriate places, Dr Jean-Daniel OVAGA SECUREX created the Medical Clinic with a first objective: Medical Emergencies.

This objective became a reality with the creation of a Medical Emergency Assistance Service (SAMU) with Ambulances.

Medical Clinic SECUREX
is an institution providing care of a high quality.
The design and originality in Congo Brazzaville
give it a national and international scope.
Located in the city center, the Medical Clinic SECUREX is open 24 /24.
It has a capacity of 20 beds, divided into common and individual air-conditioned rooms with TV.
The Emergency Medical Assistance Service is the specific focus of the clinic.
It is headed by an emergency physician assisted by a team of experienced nurses,
trained in emergency care and first aid.